Becoming Your Own Banker

I consider this mandatory reading for all of my members. The concept explained in this book is the foundation of my entire wealth building strategy.

The Case for IBC

Perfect for business owners, this book explains the power of using specially designed life insurance contracts to grow and leverage capital in order to manage cash flows in a growing business.

Building Your Warehouse of Wealth

In this book, Nelson Nash challenges our fundamental beliefs about money. Nelson expounds on his philosophy that personal freedom and responsibility are impossible to achieve without access to, and control of, one’s wealth.

How Privatized Banking Really Works

What if there was a solution to government intervention and our current money madness? Would you hesitate one minute in wanting to know what it is? Of course not! No one would. The problem is so pervasive that a solution seems impossible and yet, there is a solution. This solution’s only requirement is the action of a single person acting in a manner to help only himself, but in so acting ultimately he helps all of society.

The powerful combination of Austrian Economics, The Sound Money Solution and Privatized Banking, as described by R. Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concept, is the “new” idea in this book.